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Sunday, 15 March 2009

Masjid UBD

Books Borrowed 2

another bunch of books borrowed from the Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka last week...

Friday, 13 March 2009

@ Tutorial room

The quality of the pictures below are not quite satisfying. Anywhere, just to share a few bits, taken yesterday morning just before i started my presentation for PI5402 entitled 'Dualisme dalam Pendidikan' (Dualism in Education)

Just to share a few info ;
- Teori yang berasaskan dua dasar yang berlainan atau perihal yang mendua, sesuatu yang berasaskan dua hal yang bertentangan. [extracted from Kamus Dewan, 2002]

In the context of education, the term 'dualism' refers to the elimination of two education systems, that is Islamic Education & Secular Education.

@ Jame' Asr Hasanil Bolkiah

Yesterday afternoon, soon after delivering my presentation 'successfully' ('?'), i went to Jame' Asr Hasanil Bolkiah @ Kiulap to perform Zuhur prayer. Posing a bit there... hehee...

The night look of the mosque while waiting for the Isya' prayer. Can see any difference from the day picture?

Monday, 9 March 2009

MauLiDur RaSuL 1430H (12 Rabiul Awal)

Tema sambutan ;
Kedewasaan Bernegara Dengan Zikir
Sabda Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam ;
"Telah aku tinggalkan kepada kamu dua perkara, maka tidak akan sesat kamu selama kamu berpegang kepada keduanya, iaitu Kitab Allah (Al-Qur'an) dan Sunnah NabiNya (Al-Hadith)."

Sunday, 1 March 2009


Late afternoon, we went to charcoal restaurant to have our dinner. Earlier than that we ate ambuyat @ my parents-inlaw crib, then we went to Book Fair around 4.oopm.


Late afternoon yesterday, Feb 28th, my swEEtiE ZZHR just arrived after attended Microsoft PIL Regional Training @ Tanjung Aru KK.

m0re pics can be viewed here

The Author of Pena Ilham Minda

My photo
Kuala Belait, Brunei
Life has to go on... Life must be fulfilled with as many knowledge and skills as we can... And our life shall always be under the judgement of the Almighty, the One and Only, Allah subhanahu wata'ala and with the guidance of His prophet, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam...