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Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Presentation Mu'amalat [Set I]

Since the year 2001, all Pre-U2 Syariah's students have to be involved in presentations as part of the subject / course. And the students' presentations for this year were divided into two sessions, i.e. Mu'amalat (22 - 28 January) & Munakahat (12 - 18 February) . Unfortunately, i've 'misplaced' some of the photos consisting of 4 groups (Set IV students).
Presentation Mu'amalat {22 - 28 January 2008}

Sesi pembentangan pelajar Pra-U2 Set 1 ini telah dirakamkan di bilik komputer (Computer Lab)
Ak Abd Aziz, Al-Amin, Sahari & Nordin / Tamimi, Hakimah & Rynie Nurul Syamimie

Sakinah Hafizah, Diddi Era, Hjh Hamizah & Norfadilah / Dk Haziyah, Nuratiqah & Nurafizah

"Zaman dah berubah . . . dunia dah maju . . . " ingat iklan ani? hehe.... like to watch it again & again.... :) b'coz it contains abstract messages. Cara pembentangan masakini pun sudah byk yg menggunakan ICT sebagai salah satu media pengajaran & pembelajaran. Kalau dulu2 pembentangan dgn kertas bertulis tangan or betaip & cakap2 saja with eye-contact, kemudian dgn penggunaan OHP's transparency, kini dgn peralatan komputer / laptop menerusi powerpoint, interactive whiteboard, etc.
mawardi 06082008 5.30pm

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The Author of Pena Ilham Minda

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Kuala Belait, Brunei
Life has to go on... Life must be fulfilled with as many knowledge and skills as we can... And our life shall always be under the judgement of the Almighty, the One and Only, Allah subhanahu wata'ala and with the guidance of His prophet, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam...