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Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Flashback 2006 - HM's Visit to SMSA [Part 2]

Cg Saedah, F&N teacher with His Majesty, best snapshot ever i suppose :) she's indeed among d luckiest on that day..... also seen in d pic : Cg Hj Adenin (DP 1), Cg Halizawati (SM - Admin), Cg Ziad (Asst SM - Academic)

Taking a look on what being displayed, briefed by Ms Tan Cheng Ee, Pre-U Economic tutor

One of d Pre-U students explained something to His Majesty

Interested with d poster displayed, Cg Christopher seemed to hear what HM's hv said

still briefing by d student

Cg Hjh Safiah, our senior Geography teacher was happy to chat with His Majesty

cheers & smile

warm greetings by students

again, students briefed His Majesty, while Cg Rudy (Maths teacher) stood besides him

listening to one of d students, while Mdm Kamini, GP tutor stood behind His Majesty

with full of confidence

some of d English / GP projects done by Pre-U students

Cg Gira, our senior BM tutor (whom retired already) was explaining department's progress details to His Majesty

glance look
** more tomorrow from our department
mawardi 22072008

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The Author of Pena Ilham Minda

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Kuala Belait, Brunei
Life has to go on... Life must be fulfilled with as many knowledge and skills as we can... And our life shall always be under the judgement of the Almighty, the One and Only, Allah subhanahu wata'ala and with the guidance of His prophet, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam...