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Monday, 28 July 2008

Seminar Negara Zikir Majlis Ilmu 2008 [Day1]

Seminar Negara Zikir Majlis Ilmu 2008 in commemorating with His Majesty's 62nd birthday was held for two days starting from today at the ICC, Berakas. HRH Crown Prince, Pg Muda Mahkota Pg Muda Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah attended as guest-of-honour for the opening ceremony. Todays' event began with opening remark by Deputy Minister of Education as the Co-Chairman of the Majlis Ilmu 2008, and presentation of main paperwork entitled 'Negara Zikir' delivered by our State Mufti, at the Plenary Hall, ICC.

Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia (Dr) Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned, Mufti Kerajaan Brunei delivered his paper's presentation, entitled Negara Zikir.

at the Main Conference Hall, ICC attending the next presentations.

nametag & one of the paperwork
at the exhibition....nda dpt jumpa orgnya, posing dgn posternya pun jadi lah...hehehe

come across this interesting meaningful poster @ the exhibition
Quote from His Majesty's titah during the launching of Majlis Ilmu 2008 last saturday(July 26th, 2008) ;
"Dengan konsep Negara Zikir, kita insya ALlah, akan membangun negara dan kehidupan, dengan perkara-perkara yang dipandang baik serta bagus oleh Allah dan juga oleh manusia. Kita akan usahakan kecemerlangan dengan konsep ini.
Ertinya, anak-anak kita cemerlang dalam pelajaran, orang teknikal kita cemerlang, doktor kita cemerlang, pengusaha kita cemerlang, pentadbir kita cemerlang, pemegang polisi kita cemerlang, pekerja kita cemerlang, pendeknya semua kita ini adalah cemerlang kerana keramah dan berkat zikir (ingatan kepada Allah Ta'ala).
Cuma syarat terpenting disini, semua pihak mestilah sama-sama memahami kerekteristik Negara Zikir itu, apa fundamentalnya dan bagaimana ruang lingkupnya, supaya kita benar-benar meyakininya sebagai acuan dan landasan yang sangat-sangat kita perlukan."
mawardi 28072008 11.30pm

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The Author of Pena Ilham Minda

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Kuala Belait, Brunei
Life has to go on... Life must be fulfilled with as many knowledge and skills as we can... And our life shall always be under the judgement of the Almighty, the One and Only, Allah subhanahu wata'ala and with the guidance of His prophet, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam...